Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chapter 8

- How does the injury rate in meat packing compare with the injury rate in other occupations?

In the meat packing industry, more than one-quarter of the meatpacking workers in this country- roughly fourty thousand men and women- suffer an injury or a work-related illness every year. There is also strong evidence that these numbers, compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, understate the number of injuries that occur. Thousands go unrecorded. The author also states that the injury rate in a slaughterhouse is about three times higher than the rate in a typical American factory.

- What kinds of injuries do workers in meatpacking plants typically suffer?

The author gives many examples of different injuries reported in the meatpacking industry. Lacerations are the most common, but many other examples are used. These injuries include tendinitis and cumulative trauma disorders such as back problems, shoulder problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and "trigger finger," a syndrome in which a finger becomes frozen in a curled position.

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